Nikki Finke and Jay Leno
How out of touch are people in the media? How much whining will they do? Yet another example of elitism and garbage from the Left Coast when Nikki talks to Jay about his politics.
She was critical of Leno making use of Teresa Heinz-Kerry for jokes but seemingly letting Laura Bush get a free pass, "The billion dollars that Teresa Heinz Kerry has from the tragedy of her husband dying is considered okay, but Laura Bush is untouchable?"
It seems she's too confused to understand that when someone acts and talks and behaves the way Teresa does that THOSE are the factors that set her up to look like the rich snob-queen. I don't recall ever hearing bout a Leno joke making fun of her late husband dying, only her high-nosed behavior.
Nikki should understand these things since she too is independently wealthy and doesn't really need to write. Perhaps it is this that causes her inability to understand what is really going on -- of course living in LA won't help much either.
Her mental disconnect is very well developed when she firsts asks, "How do you make sure your political comedy is evenhanded?" and the follows up with, "I suspect that Letterman is more anti-Bush than you". Hmm, even-handed, or anti-Bush? Ahh, I guess that those terms mean the same thing to her.
She seems to think that since this is an election year, "The White House strategy is to ridicule Kerry every single day of the campaign. And obviously The Tonight Show will be the first to pick up on that. How do you decide if you're being used to further some political party's ends?"
How will the Tonight Show pick up on that first if she already did? Either way, does that mean that if someone picks on someone else then you can't say anything even remotely contradictory or question them at all? No, she doesn't mean that. she means that no one should talk about Kerry.
She produces a gem of an answer when she asks Leno, "Do you think it's weird that talk radio is all right all the time?" His response was crazy, "No, it's not weird. Because liberal people don't need to hear their view expressed over and over again. I think some people on the right need to hear this constant reinforcement, whereas I don't find that necessary."
Actually Jay, it's because liberal radio has tried and failed. People don't want to listen to it because they do not offer substance. "It's not fair, it's not fair." only goes so far for so long.
Good conservative radio - and there is much of it, tends to engage people who feel the opposite or, at the very least, disagree in some way. This creates a compelling dialog that makes the show(s) interesting and possibly informative. Since the left depends on emotion and facts without context, the shows tend to fail.
Finke does get an informative response from Jay when she asks, "The current crew in the White House doesn't seem to laugh much at themselves."
"The interesting thing is, I have found that the Republicans respond much more to jokes about themselves than the Democrats do. Democrats take it very, very seriously. You know, when Al Gore was here in 2000, we said we want to do this bit, and then it was, 'Can we run it past our people?' 'Can we make these changes?' Then the day of the show, 'We're going to pass.' Bush shows up. We had a bit where we're playing Jeopardy, and he's going to look kind of stupid. But then, in the end, the joke's on me. 'Yeah, fine, whatever you want.' It couldn't have been easier."
Yes Jay, that is because, especially for the liberals who do not have religion, politics has become religion. You don't go around making fun of peoples' core values. It is all the left has is secular rules and rights. Make fun of that and the emotion comes out again. Conservatives can laugh because they understand that sometimes contradictions exist, and that although governing is a serious business, there are things in life more important so when someone wants to make a joke we let them.
Nikki, being uninformed and confused asked, "How come there's no humor made of the fact that Cheney is making people take loyalty oaths before anyone is allowed at his rallies?"
Well Nikki, it was at one rally, and it was because the crazy liberals were going to trash the place once they got inside. Magically this didn't happen when people had to prove who they were and sign a document. Or wasn't it magic at all? I leave that up to you. You have to understand how many people were arrested for disrupting the Democratic Convention (i.e. bush supporters) -- along side none. I know 1800 people were arrested in New York, I know that there were several disruptions in the Convention Hall by liberals as well.
This relates back to the above: Liberals take their politics in the same way that the so many of the fundamentalist Christians take their religion. Ironic they seem to get along so poorly when they really have such strong emotions.
Talking non-sense she says, "The media seems to only present the Republican spin and to not present the other side of whatÂ’s going on."
This report says otherwise really, saying Drudge and Fox are Centralist, while NYT is liberal. There was no really conservative media -- especially nothing the size of the networks and the NYT. But you see, it is not facts and context, she hears someone say something that doesn't slam Bush (fact) and then get so emotional about it she does not even notice all the pro-Kerry (perhaps anti-Bush is more accurate) statements she hears. Also, it might have to do with anti-Kerry statements are anchored much more with evidence and background than anti-Bush statements... This causes her much more harm when presented with real evidence and while one piece is enough to upset, one piece of anti-Bush (based on emotion and whining) just doesn't have the same weight to soothe.
And we'll end this with one last word of the in-touch and sensitive Nikki Finke, "But surely 'Jaywalking' [Leno's man-in-the-street segment] shows you what morons Americans are."
Are you not an American sweet Nikki? I am. No matter who my president is, I still will be. American are not morons, unless you think you write stuff to appeal to morons... hmm.... do you?
She was critical of Leno making use of Teresa Heinz-Kerry for jokes but seemingly letting Laura Bush get a free pass, "The billion dollars that Teresa Heinz Kerry has from the tragedy of her husband dying is considered okay, but Laura Bush is untouchable?"
It seems she's too confused to understand that when someone acts and talks and behaves the way Teresa does that THOSE are the factors that set her up to look like the rich snob-queen. I don't recall ever hearing bout a Leno joke making fun of her late husband dying, only her high-nosed behavior.
Nikki should understand these things since she too is independently wealthy and doesn't really need to write. Perhaps it is this that causes her inability to understand what is really going on -- of course living in LA won't help much either.
Her mental disconnect is very well developed when she firsts asks, "How do you make sure your political comedy is evenhanded?" and the follows up with, "I suspect that Letterman is more anti-Bush than you". Hmm, even-handed, or anti-Bush? Ahh, I guess that those terms mean the same thing to her.
She seems to think that since this is an election year, "The White House strategy is to ridicule Kerry every single day of the campaign. And obviously The Tonight Show will be the first to pick up on that. How do you decide if you're being used to further some political party's ends?"
How will the Tonight Show pick up on that first if she already did? Either way, does that mean that if someone picks on someone else then you can't say anything even remotely contradictory or question them at all? No, she doesn't mean that. she means that no one should talk about Kerry.
She produces a gem of an answer when she asks Leno, "Do you think it's weird that talk radio is all right all the time?" His response was crazy, "No, it's not weird. Because liberal people don't need to hear their view expressed over and over again. I think some people on the right need to hear this constant reinforcement, whereas I don't find that necessary."
Actually Jay, it's because liberal radio has tried and failed. People don't want to listen to it because they do not offer substance. "It's not fair, it's not fair." only goes so far for so long.
Good conservative radio - and there is much of it, tends to engage people who feel the opposite or, at the very least, disagree in some way. This creates a compelling dialog that makes the show(s) interesting and possibly informative. Since the left depends on emotion and facts without context, the shows tend to fail.
Finke does get an informative response from Jay when she asks, "The current crew in the White House doesn't seem to laugh much at themselves."
"The interesting thing is, I have found that the Republicans respond much more to jokes about themselves than the Democrats do. Democrats take it very, very seriously. You know, when Al Gore was here in 2000, we said we want to do this bit, and then it was, 'Can we run it past our people?' 'Can we make these changes?' Then the day of the show, 'We're going to pass.' Bush shows up. We had a bit where we're playing Jeopardy, and he's going to look kind of stupid. But then, in the end, the joke's on me. 'Yeah, fine, whatever you want.' It couldn't have been easier."
Yes Jay, that is because, especially for the liberals who do not have religion, politics has become religion. You don't go around making fun of peoples' core values. It is all the left has is secular rules and rights. Make fun of that and the emotion comes out again. Conservatives can laugh because they understand that sometimes contradictions exist, and that although governing is a serious business, there are things in life more important so when someone wants to make a joke we let them.
Nikki, being uninformed and confused asked, "How come there's no humor made of the fact that Cheney is making people take loyalty oaths before anyone is allowed at his rallies?"
Well Nikki, it was at one rally, and it was because the crazy liberals were going to trash the place once they got inside. Magically this didn't happen when people had to prove who they were and sign a document. Or wasn't it magic at all? I leave that up to you. You have to understand how many people were arrested for disrupting the Democratic Convention (i.e. bush supporters) -- along side none. I know 1800 people were arrested in New York, I know that there were several disruptions in the Convention Hall by liberals as well.
This relates back to the above: Liberals take their politics in the same way that the so many of the fundamentalist Christians take their religion. Ironic they seem to get along so poorly when they really have such strong emotions.
Talking non-sense she says, "The media seems to only present the Republican spin and to not present the other side of whatÂ’s going on."
This report says otherwise really, saying Drudge and Fox are Centralist, while NYT is liberal. There was no really conservative media -- especially nothing the size of the networks and the NYT. But you see, it is not facts and context, she hears someone say something that doesn't slam Bush (fact) and then get so emotional about it she does not even notice all the pro-Kerry (perhaps anti-Bush is more accurate) statements she hears. Also, it might have to do with anti-Kerry statements are anchored much more with evidence and background than anti-Bush statements... This causes her much more harm when presented with real evidence and while one piece is enough to upset, one piece of anti-Bush (based on emotion and whining) just doesn't have the same weight to soothe.
And we'll end this with one last word of the in-touch and sensitive Nikki Finke, "But surely 'Jaywalking' [Leno's man-in-the-street segment] shows you what morons Americans are."
Are you not an American sweet Nikki? I am. No matter who my president is, I still will be. American are not morons, unless you think you write stuff to appeal to morons... hmm.... do you?
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