Sunday, October 17, 2004

China's Take on American Elections

China Daily had quite a unique take on the American Presidency:

Right after the incident on the World trade Centre, Bush implemented his new doctrine the so called "Reign of Terror". He would then rule by the most effective way to control and dominate by instigating and fomenting fear in his own people and the world. The word "evil" became as common in the English lexicon as the other American evil to the world the popular McDonald. The Reign of Terror was created by the Stupid White Man, and what followed was an on going disaster to the world, to the US economy and the geo-political stability of the planet.

It is good to see that China is getting a diverse and well-informed look at American politics. I do not recall when Bush launched the "Reign of Terror" doctrine, but perhaps to the Chinese Government, this is the case they need to make to their people. China seems a bit scared that we are now attempting to bring democracy to that area of Asia too far west to be considered the Far East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc). In order to maintain control of the situation China is actively engaging in a smear campaign to destroy the Bush Presidency.

The Senator running against Bush said that he had the support of many foreign leaders, and it looks like France and China are among them. Do you want the US administration to rub elbows with those nations who do not care at all about us?

In the Reign of Terror the usual suspect Alan Greenspan had just told us the we should not be concerned with the half a trillion American debt and furthermore his startling late revelation that we should not also be concerned with the price of crude oil reaching now prices over US$ 50 dollars.
Well, we wouldn't have these prices if we didn't have hurricanes AND an emerging market in China and India where more and more people are now buying cars on a daily basis. This demand on a limited supply will drive prices skyward no matter what we want to do. But yes, blame George Bush because you are not so much against an event like a rising gas price, but you are against a President who does not put foreign interests above those of the American Citizen.

Calling him a Stupid White Man only enforces the idea that Michael Moore is a out of touch with America, and more in line with China, Chinese Marxist Communism, and anti-American rhetoric more than ever before.

And finally:

So the world witness this new drama in the world stage where the protagonist
has already demonstrated that he cannot think or speak for himself with the late display of hidden ear plugs in the second debate with J Kerry . Unfortunately this is not a very convincing performance.

In all of China can't they get a decent English writer or translator? Oh well, if I were George W. Bush I would want ear plugs anyhow. A 'display' of 'hidden' items is of course impossible or they would no longer be hidden, but this is too much for the Chinese propaganda machine. I wonder if Diane Kerry was anywhere to be found.

China, the Communist Party of America, and so many other anti-American groups support Kerry that to vote for him is to vote for every foreign, every destructive force that has a real voice in the world today. It also proves how much conservative ideals are attacked - everywhere and all the time. This is a big election, please vote... please.