Friday, August 12, 2005

Regrets of NARAL - Not enough regrets at all

While I'm prepping to finally go to college and have the amount of hours I'll be working diminish greatly, I've been quite busy either working (getting hours in), or doing all that needs to be done for school.

I've found many items worth conversation, but haven't had time to address them at all. Once this situation stabilizes I will be very happy indeed.

One subject that is quite pathetic is the attempt by liberals to slam John Roberts. From trying to dig for information about his adopted children to the last garbage passed as 'information' by that wonderfully out of touch group called NARAL, this man has been dealing with items that would not be brought up by statesman, nor sophisticated critics.

NARAL is now pulling the ad from television, but not because of the actual statements they made, but because it seems many people seem to be too stupid to understand the true meaning of it I guess:

"We regret that many people have misconstrued our recent advertisement about Mr. Roberts' record," NARAL President Nancy Keenan said.

How does something get 'misconstrued'? Usually it is either because the item does not contain enough substance or it lacks validity, or if not, then it is because the target audience is simply too stupid to grasp the depth of the subject and draw their own conclusions.

I personally side with the first possibility over the second, but what is telling is like with so many other points of interest these days, people are not regretting the fact that they put up an ad so very bereft of facts and then decide to blame 'many people' for the results instead of themselves. This is in line with the modern version of the timeless idea to blame others for what goes wrong and shrug off any and all responsibility.

In the end, I am still undecided as to how I personally feel about Judge Roberts, but either way, it does not excuse the tactics being employed against him.

Full article: