Tuesday, October 19, 2004

No Proportion at Post

Over the weekend, the Washington Post ran this article about the election. On the surface it seems to be about how two groups of people (conservatives v. Liberals) don't see eye to eye on in relation to the candidates.

Closer examination reveals a slightly different tone making our many conservatives to be the type to steal signs and even elections:

I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for someone who had their sign taken, but I did not, through the entire article, see any mention of Republican Campaign offices being shot at, broken into, having things stolen from, and even having people being assaulted in them. The best the Washington Post could muster was a bit about some lady's sign being taken, and they even give picture space to a sign that is not only false, but so misleading it is pathetic. The Washington Post also makes no efforts to print a correction in relation to the subject matter of the sign.

So I guess, to the Post, this is a bigger story than all the incidents at Republican offices. It's a judgment call... or is it?