Saturday, October 02, 2004

While the Senator Manicures

So many people who call themselves experts said that Kerry won the debate on Thursday though I do not know how. They suggest that Bush was tired, annoyed, and looked a bit off his game. While this may be true, why does that mean a freshly made-up and manicured elitist won? It is the looks over content idea that is most disturbing.

There is also something else very telling about what was going on Thursday: While the Senator sat around getting his fingers dolled up for a debate in which it was good to have nice fingers so you could see them shaking, our President was visiting places in Florida, speaking to those who have suffered losses, and also discussing the situation with authorities and FEMA.

Something else was also in the mix, something you have not heard much (if anything) about in Iraq: US and Iraq joint operations in Samarra. "Qassim Dawoud, minister of state for national security, said Friday that more than 100 insurgents had been killed and 37 others captured, including members of Saddam Hussein's regime."

Samarra has been a troubled area because the US would go it, hand it over tot he locals who would then cave in to fundamentalists and let them rule again. What is changing is that there are more and more trained Iraqis ready to actually hold what is taken without the US 'occupying' the region.

Another telling part is the fact that old members of Saddam's regime are running around organizing these take over. Still using fear as the major bartering tool, these people will be losing ground as more and more Iraqis are trained as well.

This is why so many times Fundamentalists have gone after people going to or coming from training: Kill those being trained and discourage others from becoming trained. When Iraqis comes in to an area the Fundamentalists are contesting, the Iraqi police will be the new sheriffs, and when they establish a system of rules and laws the Iraq economy will also be given a boost as well because people and businesses need the rule of law and stability in order to function; they need to know that if they open their store they won't be robbed, and they need to know that, except for standard taxes, the money they make is their own to keep.

It gets worse for the Fundamentalists when it has been reported that, "In a later statement, the military said that members of 36th Iraqi Commando Battalion had secured the historic Golden Mosque, a sacred Shiite shrine, to safeguard it from insurgents. They also captured 25 rebels at the mosque with weapons, the military said."

This means two things: First it means the Iraqi forces are able to take very large Mosques on their own. It also means they can do it quickly enough to take prisoners instead of having them fortify positions and hold out. It also shows your average Iraqi that the US is not lying when we say that these Fundamentalists do not give proper respect to Islam by bringing weapons into mosques, using them as HQs and staging points, and otherwise abusing the idea that mosques are sacred and used only for worship.

Of course, out of all the people in a city of between 200000 - 250000, they found this guy to quote: "We are terrified by the violent approach used by the Americans to subdue the city," said Mahmoud Saleh, a civil servant. "My wife and children are scared to death and they have not being able to sleep since last night. I hope that the fighting ends as soon as possible."

The media is as idiotic as it usually is.

Good news elsewhere according to the report as well: In the southern city of Kufa, security forces prevented hundreds of Shiite Muslim supporters of the radical cleric Moktada al-Sadr from entering a major mosque for Friday prayers, the first such action since the fall of Saddam last year. The police fired in the air to disperse the faithful, but there were no reported casualties.

All of these reports do mean one thing, the Senator was wrong about the training of Iraqis, about the actions on the ground, and of course wrong about the entire status of the war.

While the Senator was getting his nails done, the President was being briefed on the events that were about to take place in Iraq. The results are being seen, though the news outlets will only focus on Kerry 'winning' the debate despite all his false rhetoric.

The Senator was too busy... windsurfing?... to be present when Allawi was addressing the US in D.C. recently. But then again the Senator hasn't been around to vote on many bills in the Senate, either. Presidential material? Hmm...