Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Idea behind Islamic Terror

Islamic Terror is its own breed of terrorism, complete with motivations and ideology to further the 'cause'. The 'cause' that is in the background of every bombing, school massacre, or any other act of violence is not to gain a victory because of it, because the reality is that if knocking down our buildings with out jets did not do it, then odds are they can get the United States to surrender.

Even in the light of Spain's election after Madrid, Spain was still targeted and probably financed by Islamic terror. They got what they wanted when Spain withdrew did they? Why would they continue to fund terror operations in Spain? To many it does not make sense because they think that Madrid gave them what they wanted. In reality it did give them something they wanted - a withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq - but that is not the only reason to bomb, it was only a reason to bomb sooner rather than later.

Islamic Terror and Islamic Fundamentalism demands that the rest of the world fall in line with the thoughts and ideas they hold. Islamic Fundamentalism has a very strict doctrine centered around Sharia, sometimes Wahhabism, sometimes smaller less organized ideas lead by muftis in a certain region. One thing they all have in common is the need to humiliate those who disobey.

This is why there are 'honor killings' for families who have a female who may have had a sexual relation outside of marriage. It does not even need to be proven to be true, it only needs to be a possibility of being true. This is enough to kill a female relative. Females can be killed even if they are the one who is raped, if they did something to lead to the rape (eye contact, suggestive dress, suggestive walk, etc.) and sometimes just because the family feels dishonored.

This mentality of even non-terrorists who have authority in these systems of governance to punish and permit the punishment of people - namely women - in such ways and for such reasons begin to make it obvious as to why terror is the way they decide to operate.

The world, especially western society, and very particularly the United States who is looked upon as the leader of western society, must fall in line under the rules of Sharia and Islam. Since the west has failed to do so, we have humiliated them and their rules. This would not be so bad if they did not have to live with western society every day and in so many ways. If Osama is still alive, he communicates with inventions made in the west. From the cell phone, to the satellite phone, to the vehicles he drives in to the medicines he might use for his condition - none of it was invented by Islamic Fundamentalism.

The very planes they flew into the very buildings they destroyed were designed and built by western minds. They could not even escape this reality in the terror they commit. So they live in a time where Islam was a vital force in the way of knowledge and science. They revel in the time of Saladin and the battles fought against Europe. But they have no large army, they have no leader to take the helm. Osama thinks that he is such a leader, and has a following that thinks this is the case as well, but it is hard to play the role of a Saladin when you are ducking NATO and regional forces border jumping back and forth trying to hold onto your power base as others try to usurp that very power.

This is why Islam in general does not speak out against these activities: While they do not have the heart or courage to do anything themselves, for many they want Islamic Law to be world wide and they will not denounce any attempt to make it so. They do not care how it comes about because who are they to define the way Islamic Law is to be realized? And of course, if they do come out against it, they risk being killed as well. Salman Rushdie questioned some things, and has a million dollar bounty on his head.

Because of the reality of the world today, Islam can not conquer everything, but Islam can punish those need to learn some humility. Russia, who attacked Afghanistan, and Russia who will not grant Chechens their own state needed to learn humility. While Islamic Fundamentalists wait for an army and a leader for that army, they must be content with terrorism as their primary way to mette out justice upon the world.

The West has humiliated Islamic Fundamentalism with technology, ideology, and freedom, thus punishment and humiliation of the west must continue. They do not expect to win, but they do want the west to leave them alone until they have the power to conquer. This is something the west can not permit and it is a shame so many do not understand this... yet.