Sunday, January 02, 2005

Europe and the US Left

The modern left is a strange beast indeed. For Europe it is a natural progression from the days of Kings and Queens who ran everything without so much as considering the population unless the threat of revolution seemed unstoppable. Even then royalty sometimes decided not to act in the interest of the populace, preferring to use force to put down all those who voice a disagreement.

Europe is still running away from this type of government – and I can’t say that I blame them. France has had five governments in the same amount of time that the United States has had one. Germany… well, we all know about Germany. The rest of Europe has not fared much better historically and as such it seems logical that they may be slightly apprehensive when it comes to The Church and even religion in general after the Inquisition and other such terrors.

Authority – in its various forms – has not been kind to Europe. Indeed, historically, Europe has had a decent share of despots and totalitarian systems and it seems to have made them gun shy.

This may serve a bit of understanding in an empathetic way as to why so much of Europe does not understand the US, and in many cases why Europe does not like the US either.

The United States has not had a totalitarian regime, has not been run by either despot or theologian, and has a Constitution protecting the freedoms and rights of the people against the government itself.

So why then does the American left react with such revulsion towards religion and even the rule of law? They attempt to portray our system of government in the exact say way that they portray those in Europe. They may mention slavery or the lack of civil rights as evidence, but if one looks at the nature of America in contrast with the nature of Europe during those same periods one is forced to observe that the US is no worse – and often times better – than our European counterparts.

The American left is running away from Dark Ages Europe and through this mental disorder the entire structure of the nation can be seen to be slipping into the grips of Torquemada ever so slowly. With George W. Bush being re-elected, this slippery slope can be seen to be increasing in the steepness of the grade and soon Dominican Monks will be going around burning all the infidels at the stake.

The modern left in the US has no ideas of its own and as such it is dependent upon Europe for them. From Universal Healthcare, to gun control, to pushing religion further and further out of the lives of citizens, the left’s reliance can be seen for what it is: An attempt to make the New World into Old Europe.

Europe’s consensus-style of governing and their esteem for the UN fall right into line with American leftist ideology as well; making the American left simply Labour Party Light.

Anyone but Bush did not win, although that was the battle cry of the left since it didn’t matter who ran – it was not W and that was good enough. President Bush rejects most of the ideas of Europe and because of that he has distanced us from them, or perhaps they are the ones who are shifting away from us. The United States has always been about and for the United States, and there is no shame in that no matter how Europe tries to make the term ‘Cowboy’ into an insult. I rather like it, actually.

When the Democrats were of the JFK-style things were different. These Democrats understood that we cannot ever again afford to idly sit around as the world turns. Kennedy understood the need for pre-emptive strikes in Vietnam and Cuba, he understood the need for tough talk and the resolve that tough talk needs to be backed by tough action when he went on the offensive during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Imagine a tough Democrat last election. Imagine if these were some of this fictional candidate’s quotes:

“Whether of not you may agree with going into Iraq is now moot. We are there and under my leadership we will win, it will be decisive, it will be complete, and it will be bring honor upon our military and our nation as a whole.”

“Now is not the time to second guess the ability or the plans of our military. I know that no matter how the orders are given, and I know that no matter what condition the equipment may be in our soldiers will win the day. This is not to say that I agree with all the strategic aspects as prioritized by the current administration, but it seems that no matter what the mission may be our soldiers are up to it.”

“We are a nation who now has a very rare opportunity in the world: We have a chance to both secure our citizens and secure the citizens of another nation by removing a horrible, horrible person from power. We have both an obligation as well as a desire to help ourselves and the world and we will not falter nor shall we stumble.”

If these were the messages without the flip-flopping and all the half-steps, this election may have been very different.

But the current Democratic Party has no concept of America First, unless it is to blame America First, and it shows. Self-loathing has no place in a nation as grand and as wonderful as this one, so perhaps all those leftist who promised to move to Europe or Canada (Europe Jr.) should so. Let the rest us get back to finding ways to make America better – but not necessarily better in the eyes of Europe.