Perhaps Kerry should stick to Vietnam
This is not an isolated thing, nor is it some sort of one-time exaggeration to make a point, he seriously down-plays the role of our allies in order to cast Bush in a negative light. He cares not about those allies, he cares not about how his words appear tot he enemy, he cares only to attempt to become President of the United States at, what seems to be, any cost.
When a candidate of a major party says, "This President's pride has brought us a coalition of the few, barely willing to do anything at all: 160 Mongolians, 43 Estonians, and 83 Filipinos isn't a coalition; it's a cover-up."
"The fact is that those countries are really window dressing to the greatest degree. And they weren't there in the beginning when we went in, and they're not carrying the cost of this war."
And of course his now famous, "Coalition of the Coerced and the Bribed."
If this man becomes President, how could he possibly meet with leaders who have actually lost people in Iraq? He could tell them, "Oh you have to understand I was just smearing Bush - it was nothing personal towards you, really"
According to Murdock the United States makes up just under 83% of all the forces on the ground in Iraq. Over 17% are foreign, and it is definitely more than window dressing.
124 foreigners have died because their nations answered the call when the United States asked. This figure represents 11% of all deaths in Iraq. While it may be true that they are dying less than their total numbers proportionately, this is still are large number and proof of the willingness of nations to do what needs to be done.
Kerry seems to side only with those nations (at least the populations) who have a seething hatred of the United States. He seems to think that if you do not have Germany, France, and Russia then you have nothing. Kerry is heavily supported by these nations as well, and Zell Miller was correct when he mentioned that Kerry would outsource our power to Paris.
Kerry wants to be all things to all people and this weak trait has been seen throughout his life. It is because of this weakness that he flip-flops; it leads to his outbursts; and it leads to his lack of ability to stay the course and be committed to what needs to be done -- to heck with the polls.
Kerry needs to know that it won't be France, it won't be Germany, nor will it be Russia who votes in our election - it will be Americans. It would serve him well to think about America and those who feel like America does (our allies in Iraq) rather than once again kissing up to those who dislike us. I'm curious who the Jane Fonda is for Kerry today.
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