Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Strangely Misleading News Story

The title of the above is, "Iraqi Victim Says U.S. Torture Worse That Saddam".

After reading the story though, I find no reference to the Prisoner ever having said that. Let's examine the quotes and just as importantly a parenthesized word in one of them.

"I couldn't believe in the beginning that this could happen, but I wished I could kill myself because no one was there to stop it,"

Of course he didn't kill himself and now stands to profit for it all. It takes them not ime to learn how to assume the victim role even over there.

"They were torturing us as though it was theater for them,"

OK. I guess he's trying to show that big bad Americans revel in such things. I wonder how much money he stands to get.

"I was extremely emotional because (even) Saddam didn't do this to us."

The added word is 'even'. This irresponsible journalist (Adam Tanner) added a very large word in an effort to give his piece the wonderful title of the US being worse than Saddam.

Does Tanner bother to note that Saddam never permitted victims to have a hearing, a trial, or evn publically complain about their treatment? No, he seems to be far too in bed with the idea of having a shocking headline than actually trying to give perspective and understanding. Adam Tanner represents a very large group of reporters who do not wish to be considered opinion journalists, but offer much more than a reporting of observations, quotes, and facts within the framework.

"Al-Sheikh, well known in Abu Ghraib for having once obtained a gun from an Iraqi guard and exchanged fire with American soldiers, appeared wary in his testimony.

"That Graner guy is a man who hurt his country, hurt his people and I think he will receive his punishment," he said. He said Graner forced him to eat pork and drink alcohol, practices against his Islamic religion."

Ah, now we are to feel that the word of a guy willing to shoot at US guards while in prison is something worth hearing. And we are to sympathize with his plight over pork and alcohol. I'm sorry but the river of tears seems to be stagnate right now. According to Al-Sheikh, Graner hurt the US and the US people by taking such measures upon Al-sheikh. Yes, he must be a good judge of character considering his background. He is doing the US a service by pointing this out, right?

Irresponsible journalism has been around for a while, but it still is a sad thing to read.

Adam Tanner obviously has his biases since he is willing to add word to the testimony of prisoners, but when a US lawyer says that some of the acts are no worse than what cheerleaders, Tanner feels the need to put quotes around cheerleaders. Why?
Iraqi abuse was like act of "cheerleaders" -lawyer

Before he had a chance to sympathize with Iraqi criminals, Tanner was an environmentalist, "Asians say global warming a cause of recent floods"

anti-Nuclear testing - even on computers "Ultrafast Supercomputer to Simulate Nuke Explosion" where about half the story says that the computers cost too much and he only interviews those who agree.

In 2002 he was already perpetuating th eimage of Bush making Europe nervous. "Europeans Fret, Fearing a Bolder Bush"

He found time to address Rosie O'Donnell's gay wedding, and take shots at Bush for wanting an Amendment'Donnell%20Weds%20Gay%20Partner.htm

He made sure to talk about Ganja, "Passions High as U.S. Ganja Guru Awaits Sentencing"

Next time you find a new story, do a searrch on the report's name via Google, the results may be interesting. I now understand why many news agencies do not list the names of contributors: It hides the trail.