True Liberalism has already Won
Little do the modern leftists realize, but thoughtful, considerate liberalism has already won. Modern liberalism really took roots after World War II when the average American realized how injust and cruel the world could be and many people decided to take action.
These people raised a generation in the hopes of never having to even see the same films brought home by the likes of Ernie Pyle, let alone actually have to fight and die.
These modern liberal become very outspoken as they grew up and while many of them shirked their duty and fled from Vietnam, many others still did what has to be done in the same way the previous generation did.
The modern liberals did notice some of the injustice in the United States, and thus starting in the 1950s and continuing on through the 1970s, helped create an environment that enabled change.
While it is true many were loud, many were also thoughtful, intellectually stimulating, and knew how not just to convey emotion but a logical argument for change. Many of the older generation were also fond of these ideas - people like John F. Kennedy who was a tough, strong, and very pro-American on foreign policy, yet understood enough about the world to realize the need for a good public image and got the Peace Corp moving.
Kennedy also pushed the civil rights movement into high gear with freedom rides and James Meredith. Kennedy also increased US 'advisors' in Vietnam from 1000 to 16000 by November of 1963. Kennedy understood what it would take to keep the United States at the top and he also understood that at all times forces and powers align against us and must never be taken too lightly.
This was also the time of the ignorant, loud, spoiled, and angry leftists. These people had no understanding of anything other than yelling, fighting, and hating the United States. These people embraced ideas like Communism, Marxism, and of course Soviet-style Stalinism because, like a youth stuck in rebellion over the authority of the parents, none of these people understood what they were really doing, they only did it because it 'felt good', 'seemed right', or offered them the adventure and sense of belonging they thought conformity would not grant them.
It was not the rioting in the 1960s that made the average American realize that racism was wrong. It certainly was not the protesting of our troops in Vietnam that finally made us leave. It was not the burning of bras, nor the burning of draft cards that made us realize some of the things we did.
It was thoughtful, logical, engaging liberals who changed public opinions on the issues I've mentioned and so many others.
We now are a society with more equality, and more chances for those considered minorities
to succeed than any other place in the world. We have the foundations and resources of so many brilliant minds that it is now impossible to even know everything in one subject let alone many. Our advances are a result of the thoughtful, concerned liberal who really did want the best for this nation and the people who live here.
These wonderful people are no longer considered liberal. They are considered middle of the road and sometimes even conservative. Those liberals who remain have gone from noble crusader who only wants what is right to the shake down artists who are more of a problem than an answer to any of the current problems we still may have.
The anti-war crowd never got their way and now we see them protesting again, this time with another generation of spoiled, loud, angry leftists who are not interested in intellectual debate. These types once again would rather just yell and scream because they are people without substance, they are motivated more by catch phrases than by research and analysis.
True liberalism, patriotic liberalism, won the day and we all see the results. Discrimination exists on such a small and fleeting level that people like Jesse Jackson really do not have much to do today. We have come far, and we do have to thank people like Kennedy and other true liberals for helping us get here.
As far as the leftists who are yelling, screaming, and even putting down people like John F. Kennedy go, we must all understand that they do not wish for anything but conflicts and insults. Let them shout and cry and have their protests and their puppets. They are nothing more than the marginal fringe who worship the likes of Moore and wish for American failure in order to help their cause because they alone can do nothing since they are without wisdom, context, and values.
These people raised a generation in the hopes of never having to even see the same films brought home by the likes of Ernie Pyle, let alone actually have to fight and die.
These modern liberal become very outspoken as they grew up and while many of them shirked their duty and fled from Vietnam, many others still did what has to be done in the same way the previous generation did.
The modern liberals did notice some of the injustice in the United States, and thus starting in the 1950s and continuing on through the 1970s, helped create an environment that enabled change.
While it is true many were loud, many were also thoughtful, intellectually stimulating, and knew how not just to convey emotion but a logical argument for change. Many of the older generation were also fond of these ideas - people like John F. Kennedy who was a tough, strong, and very pro-American on foreign policy, yet understood enough about the world to realize the need for a good public image and got the Peace Corp moving.
Kennedy also pushed the civil rights movement into high gear with freedom rides and James Meredith. Kennedy also increased US 'advisors' in Vietnam from 1000 to 16000 by November of 1963. Kennedy understood what it would take to keep the United States at the top and he also understood that at all times forces and powers align against us and must never be taken too lightly.
This was also the time of the ignorant, loud, spoiled, and angry leftists. These people had no understanding of anything other than yelling, fighting, and hating the United States. These people embraced ideas like Communism, Marxism, and of course Soviet-style Stalinism because, like a youth stuck in rebellion over the authority of the parents, none of these people understood what they were really doing, they only did it because it 'felt good', 'seemed right', or offered them the adventure and sense of belonging they thought conformity would not grant them.
It was not the rioting in the 1960s that made the average American realize that racism was wrong. It certainly was not the protesting of our troops in Vietnam that finally made us leave. It was not the burning of bras, nor the burning of draft cards that made us realize some of the things we did.
It was thoughtful, logical, engaging liberals who changed public opinions on the issues I've mentioned and so many others.
We now are a society with more equality, and more chances for those considered minorities
to succeed than any other place in the world. We have the foundations and resources of so many brilliant minds that it is now impossible to even know everything in one subject let alone many. Our advances are a result of the thoughtful, concerned liberal who really did want the best for this nation and the people who live here.
These wonderful people are no longer considered liberal. They are considered middle of the road and sometimes even conservative. Those liberals who remain have gone from noble crusader who only wants what is right to the shake down artists who are more of a problem than an answer to any of the current problems we still may have.
The anti-war crowd never got their way and now we see them protesting again, this time with another generation of spoiled, loud, angry leftists who are not interested in intellectual debate. These types once again would rather just yell and scream because they are people without substance, they are motivated more by catch phrases than by research and analysis.
True liberalism, patriotic liberalism, won the day and we all see the results. Discrimination exists on such a small and fleeting level that people like Jesse Jackson really do not have much to do today. We have come far, and we do have to thank people like Kennedy and other true liberals for helping us get here.
As far as the leftists who are yelling, screaming, and even putting down people like John F. Kennedy go, we must all understand that they do not wish for anything but conflicts and insults. Let them shout and cry and have their protests and their puppets. They are nothing more than the marginal fringe who worship the likes of Moore and wish for American failure in order to help their cause because they alone can do nothing since they are without wisdom, context, and values.
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